Amplify One of the things that happens to all of us when we pay our bill, or when money goes out of our checking account, whether we do it through automatic bill payment, we're writing a check, we're handing someone a credit card, It's often that there's a lot of holding on. It's like you're giving, but pulling back at the same time. You're not really letting go. But if you allow yourself to let go when you pay your bills and give the money towards whatever the bill is with more love, you're opening the doorway to greater abundance. 

You'll find that you're opening yourself to all the things that can come to you naturally to help you pay your bills. And the more you do that, 2 things will happen. You're opening to abundance, plus you won't dread paying bills every month. And if you're also letting go as you are paying every bill, what you'll do is you'll come up with all these insights and ideas of how to make more money. So instead of just doing it with dread and resistance, and hating the people you have to give money to, let go instead and notice what happens. You'll be amazed on how that will turn your money around.